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Florida Keys Real Estate Agent, Look for someone with the heart of a teacher,

Thursday, August 6, 2015   /   by Lela Ashkarian

Florida Keys Real Estate Agent, Look for someone with the heart of a teacher,

 look for: someone with the heart of a teacher  www.SearchFloridaKeysHomes.com Click on the picture to get the Summer Newsletter and know what's happening in the market 

My Mindset?

Who I am as your real estate agent in Florida Keys is committed to showing up in all our relationships knowing my advice, knowledge, wisdom, love, my compassion, all  my systems, methods and procedures, and all my actions, are leading to one very simple outcome – my client respects and trust me so deeply, that they introduce me to the people they care about most.


2015 Lobster Season and Mini Season Dates

Every July the coastal areas of Florida are flooded with lobster hunters trying to get their share of this year's bounty when the offical mini lobster season kicks off. There are two Florida Lobster Seasons, the 2 day mini season and the 8 month regular lobster season. The mini lobster season is always the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in July. This year the mini season falls on July 29th and 30th. Make sure to always verify dates and regulations with Florida Fish and Wildlife It begins at 12:01 am on Wednesday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Thursday.