Thursday, March 28, 2013 / by Lela Ashkarian
That's one Good Grouper Sandwich, Florida Keys Island Tiki Restaurant
Island Fish, Tiki Restaurant Florida Keys and Real Estate Business
Now That's One Good Grouper Sandwich!
Where do you turn for a tip on a great restaurant or the best movie that is currently out in theaters? If you are anything like me, chances are that you will ask a friend at work or a family member what they would recommend. The endorsement of a trusted friend can go a long way. It really hit me the last time I was in Island Tiki and was waiting 30 minutes for a Grouper Sandwich exactly how powerful a simple recommendation can be.
I looked around the restaurant in awe that so many people were enjoying a great meal, not because they had been persuaded to stop by because of a silly jingle on the radio or a billboard on US 1…
..Instead, the Island Tiki restaurant was packed with folks who had heard from someone they know that Island Tiki has the best food around. Island Tiki has managed to build a fantastic business through the power of word of mouth introductions.
By now, you might be saying, "Okay you're right" I could not agree more. Island Tiki does have amazing Group Sandwich, and seafood, but what in the world does that have to do with Real Estate in Florida Keys? In a way, it has everything to do with buying and selling because it is the exact way I have chosen to build and grow my business. I committed a long time ago to never be that annoying Realtor on the radio peddling my services (thank goodness for both of us). Instead, like Island Tiki, I have been reliant on past clients, family, and you to help me get introduced to folks that might need help. In this respect, I'm like the Island Tiki of the Florida Keys Real Estate business and want to say thank you.
I've come to recognize that in trying times, it is more important than ever for people to work with and be connected to people they know and trust. I sincerely appreciate the times you step up and speak out letting the folks at your work, church, health club, and everywhere else you go know that you have a friend in the Real Estate business. Thanks again, and I'll keep an eye out for you at Island Tiki!
Lela Ashakrian, Realtor Marathon Key Floriad Keys
Island Fish, Tiki Restaurant Florida Keys and Real Estate Business